The theatre complex consists of 04 ultramodern Operation theatres. General & Laparoscopic surgery department is equipped with advanced OT equipments. High Risk surgeries are routinely performed in this department. Many surgeons from Kolhapur city bring their High risk patients to our Institute for ICU backup. The OT is provided with separate air handling units to ensure aseptic measures are taken during various surgeries carried out.

The Team

Experienced General & Laparoscopic surgeon alongwith the nursing and paramedical team is available to take care of patients admitted in our hospital. As mentioned in introduction, majority of the surgeries performed in this department are high risk surgeries and are primarily performed by the referring surgeons and we provide them ICU backups for such high risk patients.

Surgeries Performed

Surgeries performed in this department include, appendicectomy, surgeries for intestinal perporations, hernia, laparoscopic appendicectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other general surgical procedures.